Oregon Forest User
“Oregonians value fish and wildlife habitat and cold clean water.”
  • Stevie Parsons, fisher & advocate
    Aloha, Oregon resident

Cold, clean water is the lifeblood of Oregon communities.

Our rivers begin high in healthy Oregon forests, flowing out to feed and sustain people and wildlife, including prized wild salmon runs.

Right now, the Oregon Board of Forestry is working to finalize a new Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) to preserve and protect some of our state’s most treasured forestlands and rivers for generations to come.

But the timber industry is standing in the way.

What Oregonians want

  • Clean, cold water for salmon and rural communities
  • Conservation habitat for endangered wildlife
  • Healthy forests that can help curb the climate crisis by capturing and storing carbon from the atmosphere
  • A strong economy that balances the needs of people and our forests
  • Recreational opportunities for all

Source: Oregon VBC

“Fish and water is everything. We can do better.”
  • Joel Aylor, Nez Perce Tribal elder Sisters, Oregon resident

What stands in the way

For too long, the timber industry has called the shots and clearcut Oregon’s state forests. Now, in a rapidly warming climate with increased temperatures driving threatened salmon runs and imperiled wildlife to extinction, industry still wants to increase clearcutting on state forests. The industry has tried to stop, stall, and discredit the HCP.

Sources: Western Oregon University | The Oregonian

We need your voice to restore balance to our forests.

It’s time for us to stand tall.
For rivers. For forests. For salmon. For communities.
Stand Tall, Oregon.


Our state forests

Western Oregon holds more than 600,000 acres of state public forestlands, from the Santiam State Forest to the Tillamook and Clatsop, the outskirts of Salem and Portland to the Pacific Coast. Our forests support clean flowing rivers for salmon, critical habitat for a wide range of wildlife, recreation areas, and a robust outdoor economy.

These forests:

  • Are 600,000+ acres of state public forestlands
  • Drive a massive $550M outdoor economy
  • Support 10,500+ jobs
  • Are home to six salmon stronghold rivers
  • Are home to 17 endangered or at-risk species
  • Provide clean drinking water for 500,000+ people

Source: Travel Oregon | NOAA

Bob Rees
“If we don’t recover these fisheries, Oregon’s coastal communities will continue a downward slide.”
  • Bob Rees, Executive Director of the Northwest Guides and Anglers Association, Bay City, Oregon
Ted Chu
“Clean, cold water is the most valuable yield of our forestlands.”
  • Ted Chu, retired fish and wildlife biologist, North Coast resident

About us

Stand Tall Oregon is a group of organizations and individuals working together to restore healthy mature forests, intact ecosystems, abundant wildlife, robust wild salmon runs and clean water to Oregon’s state forests. We support restoring balanced ecosystem-based management for state forests by advocating for a strong habitat conservation plan and other laws and policies that support these goals.

The Oregon Board of Forestry finalized a new HCP to support communities and forests.

  • The plan will ensure an enduring legacy of smart conservation and healthy economies for generations to come.
  • It will support fish and wildlife habitat, clean water, and recreation on our state public lands, and ensure a better balance between timber harvests and healthy ecosystems.

Join us and tell the Oregon Board of Forestry to enact a strong Habitat Conservation Plan.


Stand Tall Oregon